Standard Masses

On this page you will find data on masses of body parts of character models (humanoid and otherwise) included in Cascadeur.

Standard and Simple Models

These values are used in the standard_model and simple_model files. Both models use the same set of joints and the same Cascadeur rig.

 Body Part  Mass  Ratio
 Head  3.800  4.982%
 Neck  2.885  3.78%
 Chest  9.475  12.42%
 Clavicle  2.120  2.8%
 Arm  2.520  3.3%
 Forearm  1.520  2%
 Hand  1.000  1.3%
 Stomach  7.600  9.945%
 Pelvis  12.750  16.713%
 Thigh  5.745  7.54%
 Calf  4.370  5.73%
 Foot  1.700  2.23%
 Toe  0.900  1.18%


See Also

Included Sample Scenes

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